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Court Nixes Hospital's $115M Bonds To Build Outside District

Law360 covered a victory Lash & Goldberg LLP obtained on behalf of Daytona resident and former Ponce Inlet Mayor Nancy Epps against Halifax Hospital Medical Center. The article discussed how a Florida judge had denied Halifax Hospital Medical Center's validation request for $115 million in bonds, finding the issuance unlawful because it is for a project outside of the special taxing district's geographical bounds, a decision that could have a big impact on other taxing districts in the state.

"The ruling sends a message to other special taxing districts which may want to unlawfully expand outside their defined boundaries for purposes that are not consistent with what the Florida Legislature has specifically authorized,” Lash & Goldberg LLP partner Martin Goldberg said. "This is important at a time when certain hospital districts are seeking to expand beyond their defined territory to compete in the broader health care market without express permission from the Legislature.”

To read the full article, click here.